Category Archives: 11th Doctor

Dark Journey- The Passing Of Light

The Passing Of Light, episode four of Dark Journey Series 2, hit the net today premiering on The Droids Canada podcast. Has it really been four weeks since episode one? Time flies when you’re having fun! But some of our favourite characters aren’t having a good time. Things are desperate for the Doctor and Sherlock as they battle evil demonic forces. With so much tragedy in his past, when the Doctor is offered a chance to change it, will he be able to resist? What if it means turning on his friends?

With just two more episodes remaining this series, a lot is revealed about the nasty bad guys today. More importantly, toward the end of the episode the Cool Beans Doctor really gets to shine. One of my favourite Matt Smith moments was during the The Pandorica Opens. The scene where the Doctor stands before a mass gathering of his enemies and gives his impassioned speech has long been a favourite of mine. Well, Andrew captured the defiant essence of that moment and delivered a soliloquy of his own that was the highlight of The Passing Of Light. But if you remember Pandorica, that speech ultimately didn’t help the 11th Doctor. How will the Cool Beans Doctor fair? Will he have a similar outcome? I guess we will just have to wait until next week’s episode to find out



Companion Trifecta Announced for Fan Expo

Canadian Doctor Who fans are in for a treat this summer as Fan Expo Canada has just revealed that the three most popular new series companions are ALL going to be at the event taking place in Toronto from September 3-6. Billie Piper, Karen Gillan and Jenna Coleman were just announced as featured guests. Now that they have the most popular recent companions locked up, will they get a Doctor? They have had some over the years including Matt Smith and Colin Baker. Stay tuned to TIMD for more Fan Expo Doctor Who details as they are announced!


Monday Morning News Round Up

Your Monday Morning News Round Up is a little late today, but it’s a holiday in Canada and we are taking advantage of it. Here’s a collection of what made the news last week. Follow us on twitter @troughtonsmydoc to get all the news as it happens!


Restoring the Classics

The RT released a YouTube video last week showing some of the restoration work being done on Enemy Of The World and Web Of Fear. Worth noting is that the video was shot before the omnirumour even broke in June last year.

Photo Credit: Radio Times
Photo Credit: Radio Times

Capaldi Gets The Cover

Peter Capaldi was on the Cover of Radio Times this week and Steven Moffatt had an interview inside as well.


Doctor Who Comes Full Circle?

With an older Doctor in charge of the tardis, have we come full circle towards a more Hartnell-ish dynamic?

Dark Journey

Doctor Who Dark Journey- New Preview

There’s a new clip online from the fan produced Doctor Who audio Dark Journey. The teaser has a few quotable clips, so be sure to check it out.

Matt and Karen Calgary Interview

If you were unable to attend the Calgary Comic Expo earlier this month, you can still see their panel thanks to this YouTube video!

Help Wanted

Finally we have a help wanted add for TIMD. We are looking for someone who follows news for the new series and would be interested in contributing small write ups as it happens.

Doctor Who and the cult of historical celebrity

What do Marco Polo, Robespierre, Nero, Richard the Lionheart, Catherine de Medici, Wyatt Earp, George Stevenson, H.G. Wells, Charles Dickens, Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria, Shakespeare, Agatha Christie, Churchill, Van Gogh, Nixon, Captain Avery, Nefertiti and Hitler have in common?

The answer is, they’ve all met a mad man in a box. They’re soon to be joined in series 8, it seems, by Jack the Ripper, by Robin Hood, and Mark Gatiss has even teased the possibility of Jane Austen….

Doctor Who does love its meetings with historical figures, especially since 2005, when the “celebrity historical” became the vogue. It’s a headline-grabbing approach, probably done best in Vincent and the Doctor, which used Van Gogh’s synesthesia as a major plot point, and his presence as a USP. It does make sense to have a historical with a recognisable figure, as opposed to having unknown characters against the backdrop of historic events, but only really when it drives the story. For example, Hitler didn’t have a great deal to do with Let’s Kill Hitler, but you couldn’t have The Unicorn and the Wasp without Agatha Christie.

The thing is though….they’re running out of historical figures to use. Explorers, crusaders, Emperors, playwrights, inventors, gunslingers…..the list of famous figures from history has been ticked off, and many of those left might prove too controversial or divisive. I can’t see them doing Richard III somehow.

Hitler’s arguably the most famous or infamous person to have ever appeared in Doctor Who, but really he’s used as an eye-catching title and strapline for an episode about River Song. This is another of Steven Moffat’s wrongfooting titles, and a plot element that’s swept out of the way quickly, he’s quite literally thrown in a cupboard. On the other hand, it would be much harder to sell something like The Visitation these days, where you have rats and the great fire of London as the backdrop, but a made up character like Richard Mace at the forefront. This is why, despite lavish location work, stories like The Fires of Pompeii and A Town Called Mercy have to work a bit harder….the public do like their celebrities, and there’s no-one ‘famous’ in them, and they take place in locations that are either long lost to a volcanic eruption or in the case of Mercy, made up. In the case of Pompeii, the Doctor and Donna at loggerheads over whether to save the doomed inhabitants is the effective crux of the story. Mercy also deals with a moral dilemma, but if, say, Russell T. Davies had written it, I dare say he’d probably have made it more relatable and set it in Tombstone.

The thought of a Robin Hood episode strikes me as a good bit of fun. That Ripper-in-Fog thing has been done as far back as Talons of Weng-Chiang, and I’m pretty sure Vastra had just eaten the Ripper when introduced in A Good Man Goes to War, so we’d just have to see where Moffat goes with that notion.

The notion of Jane Austen…..just…why, really? It’s mostly been literary figures and royals or world leaders these last few years. The use of Agatha Christie in a Whodunnit, or Dickens in a ghost story is a good use of theme and character. I’m not so sure about Churchill. The use of Nixon in Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon works because of the setting and all the secret agent-y stuff with Canton and the White House. Jane Austen is a famous author of 18th century romantic fiction. I may not be a fan of Austen, but I can’t see it working. There’s no reason, dramatically or Who-ishly to do Austen, apart from a lack of other ideas for famous authors to do.

Perhaps the answer is in recent history. The 20th century is the dawn of real global celebrity, it’s full of untapped potential famous figures. It’s notable that the series has mostly swerved the 60s and 70s since the revival, especially the 70s. Hide could really have been set at any time in history, barring the oscilloscopes and tank tops. Victorian times have dominated, and the period from 1938 to the blitz. It’s perhaps time to do what Moffat and Gatiss must surely have already discussed at some point, and go meet Conan-Doyle. Maybe head to the 60s and meet the Beatles, or Martin Luther King. Do something underwater and creepy with Jacques Cousteau. Go daring and dark in the 13th century and expose Matthew Hopkins, Witchfinder General as a sinister alien. Just don’t do Sense-Sphere and Sensibility please.

Monday Morning Round Up- April 14

In case you missed any of the big stories over the past week, here’s a recap for you. Be sure to follow @troughtonsmydoc and see the news as it’s happening!


First up we have to wish Peter Davison a very happy Birthday! He celebrated his 63rd birthday April 13th!

Day of the doc

Day Of The Doctor Up for a BAFTA and your votes can help it win!


Ich Bin Ein The Doctor?

German Doctor Who fans are in for a treat. And what’s good for Germany could be good for the rest of the UK.


New Doctor Who Comics!

The 10th and 11th Doctors are each getting their own new comic series from Titan Comics. Previews and preorders!


The Doctor Hits the Horror Channel

Doctor Who will start airing on the Horror Channel Friday April 18th! Check out the trailer. I would like to give a special mention to the good folks at the Horror Channel and all their fans who retweeted the heck out of my related tweets! Thank you!


Looking For A Deal?

I stumbled across a great deal online and bought a bunch of Classic Doctor Who dvds. I just had to share it. I have no idea when it will end, so check it out soon!


Podcastrovalva- Radio Free Skaro

Al gives you an introduction to Radio Free Skaro and shares how he got into one of the best DW related podcasts out there.


Season 6 Is Like A Box Of Chocolates

New contributor Andrew Boland gives us his opinion on why Troughton’s last season is the greatest of the 2nd Doctor’s run!

Series 8 Spoilers!

Okay, you were warned, if you don’t want to know more DO NOT click the links. More on that Gatiss episode and also a list of possible episode names leaked online.


Big News and No News in the Omnirumour!

We started the week out with nothing but bad news. Easter is off, they said. Maybe sometime in May or June. Hopefully. That led me to my poll, when do you think the next announcement will come. Haven’t voted yet? Come on over and add your voice. If you did vote, why not see what everyone else believes? So, we were prepared for a quiet few weeks before things might have picked up again. What we weren’t prepared for is T.I.E.A. to come out swinging!

So there you go, the news the rumours, the weird and the wild from the past seven days.

New 10 and 11 Comic Series

Are you a big fan of Tennant or Smith and you just can’t get enough of them? Well Titan Comics is launching two new series July 23, 2014.

The 10th Doctor story takes place just after Donna has left the tardis. He doesn’t think he will ever take on another companion, but it’s Day of the Dead eve and there’s a girl who needs his help. Written by Eisner Award winner Nick Abadzis and illustrated by Elena Casagrande.

A grieving girl, a cosmic threat, a 70’s musician and the 11th Doctor. Written by Al Ewing and Rob Williams with artist Simon Fraser.

You can pre-order or subscribe now if you want to save a some money and never miss an issue!