Category Archives: AM Audio Media

Dark Journey’s End! Series 2 Finale

This is it, the finale of Doctor Who Dark Journey Series 2. So far this season we’ve had emotional rollercoasters, amazing cameos from past companions and even a family reunion of sorts. Dangling threads from season one about the Noble Project were answered and shocking revelations made. There was a lot of action, a lot of heart and a lot of quips. So where do we stand now?

This episode, more of a epilogue, finds our hero alone in the tardis. Well, not quite alone, he does have Fred after all. But can a man who has lived as long as the Doctor ever truly be alone?

Dark Journey takes us to the end of the… well, dark journey. This is a much subtler episode than the previous ones, the bulk of it just being dialogue between the two aforementioned characters. They share some of the most poignant moments of the entire series and this episode really shines as a great example of the writing, acting and production from Chalmers and Tamburro. The Doctor is still making jokes, but that’s just to hide the fact that he has lost hope. In the end he must make a decision, to give up or to keep going. What will he decide? Listen for yourself and find out.

Thanks to Mike and Andrew for a great Series 2. I can’t help but feel proud of this season, especially since they dedicated it to me! I look forward to reporting on (and listening to) what’s coming next for Dark Journey.

Dark Journey Series 2 Finale Tomorrow!

Saturday July 18th marks the finale of series 2 of Doctor Who Dark Journey. Unfortunately all members of the TIMD family will be on vacation or otherwise out of reach of the internet during the finale. Be sure to check out AM Audio Media to see where you can find that last episode and give it a listen! TIMD will return late next week with a review of the finale and the series as a whole!

Dark Journey- The Passing Of Light

The Passing Of Light, episode four of Dark Journey Series 2, hit the net today premiering on The Droids Canada podcast. Has it really been four weeks since episode one? Time flies when you’re having fun! But some of our favourite characters aren’t having a good time. Things are desperate for the Doctor and Sherlock as they battle evil demonic forces. With so much tragedy in his past, when the Doctor is offered a chance to change it, will he be able to resist? What if it means turning on his friends?

With just two more episodes remaining this series, a lot is revealed about the nasty bad guys today. More importantly, toward the end of the episode the Cool Beans Doctor really gets to shine. One of my favourite Matt Smith moments was during the The Pandorica Opens. The scene where the Doctor stands before a mass gathering of his enemies and gives his impassioned speech has long been a favourite of mine. Well, Andrew captured the defiant essence of that moment and delivered a soliloquy of his own that was the highlight of The Passing Of Light. But if you remember Pandorica, that speech ultimately didn’t help the 11th Doctor. How will the Cool Beans Doctor fair? Will he have a similar outcome? I guess we will just have to wait until next week’s episode to find out



TIMD Featured on Gallifrey Stands Podcast

Last Friday I rushed home from work, shovelled some food into my mouth and then ran to the computer. Why? So I could participate in the Gallifrey Stands podcast. When you add in the time difference between Canada and the UK, it made for a late night session for host Doctor Squee! We talked about Patrick Troughton (of course), AM Audio Media’s Dark Journey, missing episodes, missing episode discussion groups and of course! Take a few minutes and check it out!

Dark Journey Age Of Banishment Review

Doctor Who Dark Journey Episode 3, “The Age Of Banishment”

So far this series we have been privy to some shocking revelations from the Doctor’s past. We learned how his most loved companion and his most bitter enemies were involved with the Noble project and in this episode that project’s true intent is laid bare. On Gallifrey the Doctor tries to extinguish evil, but his pure motivations go astray and lead to his exile from his home planet.

The first two episodes of this season have been full of action and revelations in equal measure and they keep ramping things up! Our heroes destroy a British landmark during the pre-title sequence, have just 18 minutes to save the day, see ghosts from Holmes past and tinker with reality all during this episode.

There is also a special guest voice. AM Audio Media donated a super amazing prize to the Doctor Who Missing Episodes Discussion Group On Facebook back in November when they were holding a contest to celebrate DW’s 51st birthday. That prize was a small role in this series and we get to hear the winner in this episode during the Noble project flashback scene.

This week’s episode was released on the Who Wars Podcast which features an interview with the Cool Beans Doc himself afterward! Check it out!


Dark Journey Review- Case of the Poisoned Sky

Episode number two of AM Audio Media’s Doctor Who Dark Journey was released today on The Geeko and what can I say? Only this… HOLY COW. This will be a short review as I can barely say a word without spoiling major developments. Over the past year they have been building up toward this episode, we finally learn just what the Noble Project is and why the ‘Cool Beans’ Doctor is so dark. There was a surprise cameo from one of his companions last week and we get to see more about them and how their fate ties in with the Noble project and the Doctor’s most hated enemy.

So without going into spoilers, let’s talk about the performances. Once again the music was fantastic, hitting all the highs and lows of the drama. It perfectly accompanied Andrew Chalmers’ emotional and passionate performance as the ‘Cool Beans’ Doctor is forced to go further into the murky depths of his soul than ever before.

If you haven’t listened to this one yet, do yourself a favour and get on it man! And then listen to it second time. I know I will be.


Reviewing the Beast! Dark Journey Series 2, Episode 1

When I woke up today I thought it was just another day. Sure it was Saturday (always a good thing) and gorgeous outside, but beyond that? Ordinary day. Then I checked Facebook and saw that my news feed was full of posts about Doctor Who Dark Journey. In the early morning fog, it had slipped my mind that today was the premiere of Series 2 of the drama from AM Audio Media! This was going to be a good day! And then I saw something that made it even better.

In a heartfelt post, AM Audio Media dedicated Series 2 of Dark Journey to me. My hands were trembling as I scrolled further down and read the wonderful things they had to say about this website and how much of a difference my support had made to them. Modesty prevents me from quoting the dedication and tooting my own horn here, but you can see the dedication for yourself.  I can honestly say that it was one of the most touching things I have read and I am truly honoured by it. It feels like Mike, Andrew and I have all come a long way since my first interview with them way back in April 2014!

I won’t try to come up with some poignant quote about the passage of time. No instead what I will do is get straight into the heart of things. Dark Journey Series 2, episode one: “Legend Of The Beast

The pre-credits sequence on this episode has to be one of the most amazing things I’ve heard in any Doctor Who show. It was so great that when the theme music started up I thought the episode might already be over. The best part is that I would have been satisfied with just those few moments if that was all there was. With its marrying of the new and the old, it weaves a fresh narrative that is uplifting and maybe a little troubling. Luckily I kept listening and realized that the episode had really just begun! After the music we were back to the world’s greatest detective, Sherlock Holmes, and the Doctor as he lies on his death bed from an injury suffered at the end of last season. The Watchers are all around and they are chanting. “Death is a bridge.” As he is dying the Doctor just wants one man, but who is Fred?

Sequels always try to be bigger and better than the original. In Hollywood it invariably fails as ambition outstrips talent. But not here. No way. In this first episode of Series 2 I heard everything that I knew and loved from last season. There is the trademark ‘Cool Beans’ humour that I enjoyed so much, the darkness that envelops the Doctor and the in jokes and references that build up the narrative and make it something believable and true to the TV series.

So what’s new this series? One thing that really stood out to me was the music. I have always been a fan of music in TV shows and how music can make or break a scene. AM Audio Media hit every note right with episode one. The music here is so strong that I had goose bumps for half of the episode.

So how was your Saturday? Mine was awesome and much of that credit goes to AM Audio Media and Doctor Who Dark Journey. Series 2 is off to a great start and I can’t wait for next week. If you haven’t had a chance to listen to the episode yet, do yourself a favour and do it now!

Dark Journey Series 2 Premieres

The wait between seasons is always my least favourite part of fandom. It seems like it has been forever and a day since we last saw, I mean heard, the Cool Beans Doctor getting himself into a lot of trouble. Well, the wait is over, AM Audio Media premiered episode 1 of Series 2 today! Listen and enjoy. After the episode MA and Andrew chat with the Gallifrey Stands folks!

Cool Beans Doctor At Comicon

There is a companion who is going to be at the Toronto Comicon this coming weekend, but now there’s a Doctor as well. Karen Gillan will be attending the show, known of course for her role as Amy Pond. Joining her (though I am sure a wall of security will keep them from ever meeting) are the guys from Doctor Who Dark Journey including Andrew Chalmers, the Cool Beans Doctor!

If you are in the Toronto area this weekend, check out the show! AM Audio Media ( will be at Toronto Comic Con at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre March 20, 21, 22 – Booth A182. Join the award winning cast and crew, chat about the series with them. Not only can you meet the guys and gals, but you can also listen to a preview of the upcoming Series 2, be amonst the first to purchase the first pressing of Dark Journey on CD, and help support them by spending all your comic money on their swag, including Doctor Who and Dark Journey buttons!


And if you are real lucky you might see me there. I will be in attending on Sunday and will be hanging out with the guys for a while!

Roy Miranda Wins Audio Verse Award

Doctor Who Dark Journey and the folks from AM Audio Media were up for 4 Audio Verse Awards. The voting ended in early December and the results were just announced.

Congratulations to Roy Miranda. His role as Sherlock Holmes won him “Best Actor in a Fan/Adaptation Leading Role.” Unfortunately that was the only win for Canada’s #1 fan produced Doctor Who audio, but there’s always next year and next season.

Speaking of series 2, have you heard the latest? Check out our news round up with all the details.