Underwater Menace Update

So, after everything that has been said this month regarding  Underwater Menace we get an article today from Doctor Who Magazine in which every party that might have their fingers in any missing episode pie strongly denies having ownership of any more missing episodes. Toward the bottom of the article they briefly mention UWM stating that it will be out later this year with the missing episodes reconstructed using production stills.

This of course has led to many questions like, is the omnirumour dead? If they are just putting out a reconstruction why do we have to wait so long? What about the animation that was rumoured to have been started and abandoned? And what about The Crusade? All very valid questions that aren’t answered in the pages of Doctor Who Magazine.

Kudos has to go to the Doctor Who and the tardis- Classic Years facebook page that broke this story a couple of weeks ago, even if they took it down quickly. All their info turned out to be right!


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