Tag Archives: twitter

Deep Breath Screening Live Tweet

Well we are less than 24 hours away from the premiere of Deep Breath tomorrow in Cardiff.  Several of the admins from the Doctor Who Missing Episode Discussion Group on Facebook, and good friends to boot, procured tickets for the show a few weeks ago and will be at the screening. They will be doing a non spoilery live tweet of the events taking place before, during and after the screening .

So if you are like me and unable to make it out to the screening, but you want to get all the news as it’s happening, (non spoilery of course) give them a follow on twitter and stay tuned because it all starts in less than 24 hours.

Phil’s Journey -Picture #1

So have you seen the tweet from Phil Morris? I would call this “the first official photo documenting his around the world trip to try and save Doctor Who and other shows of cultural value, at least since the Enemy Of The World/Web Of Fear reveal six months ago”. Wow, that’s quite a mouthful.


I say first ‘official’ documentation because this picture has been passed around online for a few days now. I’m not 100% sure how it was attained or where they got it from, but either way it was none of their business to publish it. Unfortunately for those posters, it’s mission accomplished because they forced Phil to reveal it to the general public. There’s no point hiding or denying it now. Thousands of people are already rabidly talking about it.

It’s a shame because it would have been so awesome to get this as a nice little Easter present without the baggage that is hidden behind the scenes.

The staff from TIMD would like to say that we don’t condone shady business like the leaking of personal information or pictures in an attempt to force things along. It’s one thing to get rumours from inside sources, quite another to have stuff like this taken from a private place and spread across the internet.

Finally thanks to Phil Morris for all his work and his quiet and cryptic words of encouragement.

“Expect the unexpected.”