UPDATE- Omni Bite – Underwater Menace

After all the rumours swirling about the animation of The Underwater Menace being cancelled or delayed, there has been an unofficial facebook announcement by Doctor Who and the Tardis-Classic Years claiming that they received word from 2Entertain that the DVD is expected to be released this Autumn. There is no firm date yet, but that we should expect an announcement  later this month.

Of course, this is still far from official. It’s just a fan facebook page, not an official source. But if what they say is true, it presents a couple of different options.

Number one, that the animation was really just delayed, not cancelled as many believed, and that the animation company Planet55, really did just need some extra time to get it finished. You can read more about the animation conspiracy. I, and many more like me, think that if UWM comes out fully animated, this could possibly be the final nail in the main omnirumour’s coffin. I do believe that Marco Polo has been found and will be released sometime, but beyond that? It is hard to say.

Number two, the announcement they mention later this month might, just possibly, maybe, oh please let it be true, a confirmation of the omnirumour, and as part of that announcement they will give us a preliminary release schedule for the rest of the year. Underwater Menace has been one of the most rumoured  stories because of its unknown status. Will it be the focal point of an omnirumour announcement in the next two weeks? I can only hope.

So there you have the latest speculation. As always, nothing in this article is official or can be confirmed, it is all just speculation. Only time will tell.


UPDATE- The facebook post that started all of this has been taken down. Was it all a wind up? Or were they not supposed to talk about it? It’s a page with nearly 50,000 likes so I’m not sure that they would post something just to wind people up, but who knows…

I have since sent a message to the group on facebook asking for clarification or an explanation. I will let you know if I hear anything.

Also some have pointed out that 2Entertain no longer exists, that the company goes by BBC DVD since 2012. I don’t think this necessarily means that the info they posted is false. It could be from someone that they knew through 2entertain or they may just said that instead of the proper BBC DVD, by accident.  I don’t know.

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